I learnt a lot about the Czech language, Czech history, the people and the culture…
I can learn grammar I didn’t know before better than I can in Korea, but it’s also quite difficult.
The teachers + staff are fantastic and the course materials are of very good quality.
Good teachers and also a good trip; I can speak and write in Czech.
It was good that I could study grammar from the basics.
2. Intensive course
The course was excellent! I was very happy with the winter course, so I was happy that this course continued in the same spirit and in a friendly atmosphere.
As there are only 5 other students I could practice conversation, which was good.
[I liked] the open and flexible attitude. Even grammar lessons sometimes spurred a debate. This helps and encourages communication skills.
I liked the small class size.
Despite being intensive, the attitude of each instructor was open, friendly, and welcoming. Intensive courses can be quite intimidating, but not in this case.
3. Summer courses
In all honesty, I have seen a lot of changes in my Czech language from day one of the online class. One thing I can tell you is that my teachers were really good and were teaching us in an organized and fun manner. I am very thankful for them!
I am truly happy with the classes I have had so far and I had no problems or issues. I would love to thank my teachers who have helped me a lot because I was a person who started from 0 level but now I can communicate in Czech, all thanks to them! I respect them a lot.
Our teacher was amazing and very patient!
“Administrátorka programu je velmi zodpovědná a milá!”
“Kurzy pro rozvoj řeči a mluvení byly velmi zajímavé a intenzivní. Díky těmto aktivitám jsem si výrazně zlepšila úroveň řeči”
“Kurzy mi moc pomohly a moje čeština teď zní víc přirozeně”
“Díky absolvovanému kurzu jsem získala potřebné znalosti a ráda bych úspěšně absolvovala aprobační lékařské zkoušky pro svou další praxi a práci na území České republiky”
“Díky lekcím Korektivní výslovnosti jsem si zlepšila svou výslovnost, a pochopila jak má čeština znít správně”
I loved the content of the lessons as well as the energy of the teachers and their sense of humor.
“Líbila se mi atmosféra na kurzech, a taky jsem měla moc výbornou učitelku gramatiky”