The Czech Studies (CS) program is committed to providing all our students, staff and faculty with respectful, safe learning and working environments, free from all prejudice and abuse. We oppose acts of harassment and discrimination in all forms, while we continuously work towards building cultural competence and humility, inclusivity, and diversity. Our aim is for the program to be a place where diversity is respected and valued, and where unacceptable behavior is challenged in an appropriate way.
We expect all our employees, students, and visitors to be treated, and to treat others, with dignity and respect. We are therefore committed to a strict zero tolerance policy on any discrimination, harassment or bullying on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, gender identity or expression, age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs and socio-economic background. We believe that harassment and discrimination may be understood as actions taken by those who abuse their power and privilege in settings that permit intolerant and unethical behavior.
Zero tolerance means that we will not tolerate, condone or ignore bullying, harassment or hate crimes of any kind. We will take action and the action will be proportionate to the circumstances of the case. Action may include expulsion from the program, in order to ensure the security and comfort of our community.